American Chillers
About American Chillers
American Chillers and Cooling Tower Systems
With over 30 years of experience designing refrigeration systems, American Chillers and Cooling Tower Systems specializes in water chilling systems for breweries and wineries, industrial and commercial process cooling applications.
From air, water, and split system chillers, American Chillers provides products of superior quality to meet your specific needs.
We welcome your cooling challenge and will help you to determine system loads and project requirements, then assist you in sizing the proper Water Chiller, Cooling Tower or System for the job.
American Chillers and Cooling Tower Systems, Inc. provides contractors, OEM’s, contractors and end users with cost effective water chiller systems, built to order to each customer’s process cooling requirements. We welcome customer contact to allow for efficient transfer of information.
American Chillers is an evolution of years of engineering and manufacturing experience. In the 1980’s, Marvin Wheaton was an engineer for a dry cleaning manufacturer. Many dry cleaners were using domestic water sources to cool their machines, while others were buying chillers and cooling towers that were mismatched, leading to unnecessary downtime and loss of revenue. He saw a niche opportunity and built a chiller line that is still being used today.
Soon, the word about Marvin’s “solutions based” expertise spread to other industries including wineries & breweries, healthcare, plastics and food processing. The MRI Machine was just getting its start and Marv designed some of the early MRI and medical chillers for this and similar mission critical projects.
Throughout the years, Marvin Wheaton and his companies, including American Chillers have provided chillers to customers such as NASA, Boeing, the US Government, Toshiba, Siemens Medical, General Electric and various others in the US and through the world.
American Chillers provides custom chillers aimed at the exact specification of the cooling process resulting in minimal downtime and lower stress on the chiller components leading to longer machine lifespan, energy savings and higher efficiencies.
We at American Chillers are pleased to assist you with a custom based solution to your process no matter how big or small.
Contact American Chillers

105 Columbia Ave
West Columbia SC 29170