Benefits and growth of HFOs: Geoclima viewpoint as told by president Paolo Ferraris

The evolution that is affecting the refrigeration industry and refrigerant markets is the result of the continuous updating of international agreements. These agreements are designed to encourage manufacturers to reduce global warming. To this end, lowering greenhouse gas emissions is essential. Nevertheless, some of the refrigerants used in air conditioning and refrigeration systems – and the overall efficiency of these systems – contributes to the problem. However, there are low-global-warming-potential (LGWP) technologies that address these environmental concerns.
We at Geoclima have been using HFO chillers for many years, and in particular we have great experience in the use of HFO1234ze – marketed by Honeywell – which has GWP<1. We are convinced HFOs represent the best mix of performance, safety, cost and environmental benefits.
- HFOs are highly efficient, which adds to its minimal warming profile with reduced indirect emissions, and has the potential to deliver significant cost savings.
- This HFO solution uses the same technical footprint of its predecessor – the familiar HFC-134a – making it easy to incorporate into new chiller designs and reducing the training requirements for engineers and technicians.
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