27 Sep 2017 | Aeroventic
Invitation - Alfa Laval’s Capital Markets Day

Alfa Laval invites analysts, investors and media to its capital markets day, which will be held on November 23, at the Alfa Laval Test & Training Center in Aalborg, Denmark. It will start at 08:00 a.m. CET and end at approximately 15:00 p.m. CET.

The morning session will include presentations by Tom Erixon, President and CEO, and Thomas Thuresson, CFO. Thereafter, Susanne Pahlén-Åklundh, Nish Patel and Peter Leifland will talk about the development and focus areas of their respective divisions: Energy, Food & Water and Marine.

After lunch, parallel activities will take place, including a guided tour enabling you to experience Alfa Laval’s marine equipment for yourself. Have a look at a boiler, a gas combustion unit, a baby scrubber and listen to the experts directly - is for example connectivity a natural part of the portfolio going forward? This and more will be covered in two seminars; Marine Environment and Marine Service.

How to sign up: register on our website www.alfalaval.com/investors, November 6, the latest. The number of seats is limited. Each person registering will receive an email as confirmation. This email will also include information about hotels as well as transportation.

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