Systems Efficiency Initiative (SEI) - Year 2 Report available now
Systems Efficiency Initiative - SEI is an initiative for system efficiency. The initiative seeks to demonstrate and understand the potential for energy savings resulting from a system approach and to push the market in that direction. SEI therefore proposes a broad range of activities for specific entities and focuses on areas with high potential for energy savings at system level.
HVAC experts unanimously endorse the idea of ​​continuously improving the efficiency of building systems. They believe that this is part of a long-term strategy to achieve successive levels of efficiency in buildings. This issue has to be dealt with in a systematic approach and relies on interactions between individual components between building systems (e.g., heating and cooling systems, lighting systems, miscellaneous electric loads) and interactions at the level of many buildings and between the building and the electricity grid.
SEI is the result of a long-term partnership of about 50 entities that provide energy throughout the building lifecycle on a daily basis. These include manufacturers, designers, and government agencies. The Alliance for Energy was created in February 2015 and its priority is to continuously increase energy efficiency in the construction industry. SEI members are recognized experts in the world energy industry and lobby for the adoption of a systemic approach that they consider will significantly affect enegrgii in the construction environment. So far, SEI has focused on developing the right strategy.
To find out more about Going Beyond Zero (A systems efficiency blueprint for building energy optimization and resilience) click here.
Source: ASHRAE