The Power of IoT in Daikin’s Intelligent Solutions Portfolio
We hope by now you’ve had a chance to listen in to all or parts of the Daikin Applied broadcast live from the show floor at AHR in Chicago this month. Today’s blog focuses on the trending topic of how our team has led the industry in harnessing the power of the IoT to create better outcomes in your building and for occupants.
One segment of the broadcast was dedicated to revealing more about how you can tap into the power of IoT. Listen in on the conversation with Daikin Applied’s Intelligent Equipment® Senior Product Manager, Mike Hoppe. From retrofit to new construction to servicing existing HVAC equipment, Daikin’s Intelligent Equipment cloud-based platform optimizes energy efficiency and provides an unprecedented view into your equipment.
Able to function on its own or integrated into your building’s BAS system, Daikin’s Intelligent Equipment provides insights on your rooftop and air-cooled chiller units to help you create better air where people live, work, and heal. Tune in now to hear more from our team.